2001 Shepard Rd., Wildwood, MO 63040 - Basement of Church
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by author Jonathan Haidt
A Book Discussion Workshop for Parents The Anxious Generation has taken the country by storm, bringing a clear message: over protective parenting in real life and over-exposure online has produced a devastating shift in young people’s mental health and daily functioning. But parents and schools CAN take steps to change course for our kids!
St. Alban Roe School is hosting a book discussion group, and all parents are welcome!
Date: January 9, 2025 6:30 p.m. Mikesch Hall The Program is Free, but PLEASE RSVP by January 6 to Margaret Dorsey at [email protected]
Parents who wish to attend are strongly encouraged, but not required, to obtain a copy and read The Anxious Generation beforehand. Can’t get it all read in time? Prioritize the following chapters: Introduction: Growing Up on Mars Chapter Chapter 1: The Surge of Suffering Chapter 3: Discover Mode and the Need for Risky Play Chapter 12: What Parents Can Do Now ➢ Parents of ALL AGES of children are welcome. Children do not attend; parents and guardians only. ➢ The program is two hours in length, incorporating a professional presentation as well as time spent in breakout groups for discussion, brainstorming, and planning.
Presenter: Amy V. Maus, MSW, LCSW specializes in school consultation, providing faculty training, parent presentations, principals’ groups, and on-site consultation to dozens of area schools each year. She is co-author of The Care Team Approach: A Problem Solving Process for Effective School Change.