At St. Alban Roe, we are dedicated to educating our students to know and love Jesus Christ. Through our curriculum in faith formation, we build a strong foundation in our Catholic identity and our Christian values that continually grows as our students progress through each grade. By nurturing a deep devotion to Jesus and the teachings of the Church, we inspire our students not only to embrace and love Christ but also to live as His disciples throughout their lives.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Identify God as the Creator of all things and name examples of His creation.
• Recognize that God’s love is experienced through creation and relationships.
• Retell the stories of Creation, Christmas, and Easter in their own words.
• Recognize the Holy Trinity: God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
• Understand Jesus as the Son of God and a role model.
• Acknowledge saints as holy people who lived virtuous lives.
We Worship
• Demonstrate reverent behavior in church and during liturgical activities.
• Recognize liturgical seasons such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
• Identify Baptism as a sacrament and its symbols (water, light, oil).
• Understand Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist.
• Participate in communal prayer (morning prayer, rosary, etc.) and Mass.
We Live
• Recognize that all people are made in the image of God and are special to Him.
• Understand the importance of making good choices that please God.
• Understand that God loves us and is always ready to forgive us.
• Practice respecting others in work, play, and property.
• Learn the Ten Commandments as rules for loving God and others.
We Pray
• Define prayer as talking and listening to God.
• Learn and recite traditional prayers such as the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, etc.
• Practice spontaneous prayer and understand its value.
• Recognize that Mass is the most important prayer of the Church.
• Understand that prayer can happen anytime and anywhere.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Recognize God as the Creator who reveals His love through creation.
• Understand the Bible as the Word of God and retell stories of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection.
• Recognize the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit as Helper.
• Honor Mary as the Mother of Jesus and a model of faith.
• Learn key events in Jesus’ life and the Mysteries of the Rosary
• Identify the apostles and their role in the Church’s history.
• Understand the Apostles’ Creed as a statement of faith in the Trinity.
We Worship
• Demonstrate reverence in church.
• Recognize and celebrate liturgical seasons and feast days dedicated to Mary.
• Identify sacraments, especially Baptism, and understand their significance.
• Learn about the Eucharist as a special part of Christian life.
• Understand Jesus’ presence in the tabernacle and the Mass.
We Live
• Understand that everyone has a vocation to love and serve God.
• Learn to treat others with respect and understand the value of family, school, and parish communities.
• Recognize sin as an offense against God and practice asking for forgiveness.
• Understand that living as Jesus teaches leads to joy and peace.
• Learn the Ten Commandments as guides for loving God and others.
We Pray
• Comprehend prayer as talking to and listening to God, and recognize the types of prayer: blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.
• Participate actively in prayer during Mass and at home.
• Recite traditional prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace before Meals, Glory Be) and understand their meaning.
• Practice daily prayer to grow closer to God and understand Jesus’ example of prayer.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Understand God’s plan to love and save humanity.
• Understand that the Bible is composed of Old and New Testaments and tells the story of God’s love.
• Recognize the Holy Trinity as central to the faith and their unique roles.
• Learn about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection as the foundation of salvation.
• Discover that Jesus established the Church, is united to the Church, and that the Holy Spirit is the “soul” of the Church (CCC 797).
• Understand how Mary’s “yes” at the Annunciation brought Jesus into the world.
We Worship
• Show reverence during church and understand the significance of liturgical symbols and seasons.
• Identify the seven sacraments as celebrations of God’s love.
• Prepare for and participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
• Recognize the Eucharist as Christ’s real Body and Blood in the appearance of bread and wine.
• Understand the importance of fasting and proper preparation before receiving Holy Communion.
We Live
• Recognize the dignity of each person as body and soul created by God.
• Practice sharing, being peaceable, and contributing to the well-being of family and community.
• Learn to avoid sin, seek forgiveness, and model Jesus in kindness and forgiveness.
• Understand how the Ten Commandments guide behavior and moral decisions.
We Pray
• Experience prayer as a personal and communal practice connecting to God.
• Learn and recite prayers like the Act of Contrition and the Nicene Creed.
• Celebrate family prayer and religious traditions, such as Advent and the Rosary.
• Understand the Lord’s Prayer as a model of asking and trusting in God.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Understand how God speaks through Jesus, Scripture, and the Church.
• Identify key parts of the Bible, including how to find passages (chapter and verse).
• Describe the Old Testament as preparation for Jesus and the New Testament as its fulfillment.
• Understand Jesus’ mission to proclaim the Good News and bring about the Kingdom of God.
• Identify the Pope and bishops as leaders of the Catholic Church
• Recognize the role of saints and the qualities they model for Christians.
• Explore the Apostles’ Creed as a summary of belief in the Trinity – focusing especially on what is said about the Father and the Son.
• Understand that Mary was kept free of Original Sin through what we call the Immaculate Conception
We Worship
• Exhibit reverence during church and understand the Liturgical Year.
• Recognize the Easter season and its primary events, including Palm Sunday, Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost.
• Identify and understand the meaning of sacraments as visible signs of grace.
• Recognize the roles of bishops, priests, and deacons in the Church.
• Learn the importance of regular participation in Sunday Mass and the Eucharist.
We Live
• Understand the dignity of every human as created in God’s image.
• Learn the Works of Mercy as acts of love for others.
• Identify and practice virtues like faith, hope, and charity.
• Understand sin and its effects, distinguishing between mortal and venial sins.
• Learn the Ten Commandments and how they guide love of God and neighbor.
• Follow the two Great Commandments as central to the Christian life.
We Pray
• Recognize the importance of daily prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
• Understand different types of prayer, including The Angelus.
• Write and offer prayers of petition, thanksgiving, and praise.
• Participate in rites like the Stations of the Cross to connect with Jesus’ suffering and love.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Recognize how God reveals Himself gradually through creation, Scripture, and grace.
• Explore key Biblical passages, including the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, the Good Samaritan, and the Prodigal Son.
• Understand some of the major events and covenants that prepared for the coming of Christ – Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc.
• Understand the Trinitarian nature of faith as expressed in Baptism.
• Recognize Jesus as Savior, whose mission was to proclaim the Kingdom of God.
• Learn about Mary as Mother of God and her appearances throughout history.
• Explore the lives of saints as models of love and mercy.
We Worship
• Demonstrate reverence in church and understand the symbolism of liturgical seasons.
• Know the Holy Days of Obligation.
• Celebrate the sacraments as encounters with Christ, especially Reconciliation and Eucharist.
• Understand the importance of examining one’s conscience and expressing contrition.
• Recognize the unity of the Church in the celebration of the Eucharist.
• Understand the importance of regular participation in Sunday Eucharist.
• Join prayers during Mass with those of Mary and the saints in heaven.
We Live
• Recognize the Beatitudes as a way of life modeled by Christ for true happiness.
• Practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy as ways to serve others.
• Explore the Cardinal Virtues (prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude) and seven lively virtues, as well as the seven capital sins.
• Understand sin, including mortal and venial sins, and the need for God’s mercy.
• Practice examining conscience and following the Ten Commandments to live God’s love.
We Pray
• Compare communal prayer, private prayer, and formal and informal prayer.
• Recite prayers like the Hail, Holy Queen and Mysteries of the Rosary.
• Understand the Creeds as statements of Catholic faith.
• Recognize Jesus as a model of prayer and build a daily prayer life.
• Participate in devotions like the Stations of the Cross.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Understand that God is the Creator who made the world good and entrusted it to us.
• Learn how the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament.
• Recognize the Holy Trinity in our lives and the Holy Spirit as Sanctifier.
• Acknowledge Jesus as Redeemer and the Word Made Flesh.
• Explore titles and roles of Mary, such as Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.
• Understand the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds as expressions of Catholic belief.
We Worship
• Demonstrate reverence in church and recognize the significance of liturgical seasons.
• Identify the meaning and celebration of the Triduum and Easter.
• Learn the signs, gestures, and symbols of the sacraments and their connection to grace.
• Recognize Christ’s presence in the Mass: in the assembly, the Word, and the Eucharist.
• Understand the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.
• Explore the importance of Holy Orders and Matrimony in the life of the Church.
We Live
• Understand that mercy and justice are essential to Christian living.
• Practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in daily life.
• Recognize sin and its effects, distinguishing between mortal and venial sins.
• Learn how choices reflect Gospel values and bring consequences.
• Follow the Ten Commandments as guides for honoring God and others.
• Act with respect for the unborn, sick, and all who are vulnerable.
We Pray
• Understand the forms of prayer: Mass, communal, and private.
• Cultivate devotion to Mary and the saints and ask for their intercession.
• Participate in prayer services, including the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
• Compose prayers of praise, petition, and thanksgiving.
• Recite traditional prayers like the Memorare and St. Michael the Archangel.
• Analyze the Lord’s Prayer and its seven petitions.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Understand God’s plan for salvation and His revelation through creation and Scripture.
• Explore the Old Testament covenants, culminating in Christ.
• Recognize the Holy Trinity as the central mystery of faith.
• Understand Jesus as the Redeemer and New Adam, with Mary as the New Eve.
• Learn about the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ and its diverse ministries.
• Recognize the Creed as a summary of the faith.
We Worship
• Participate reverently in liturgical and sacramental life.
• Relate Old Testament rituals to the sacraments of the Church.
• Explore sacramentals and their role in deepening faith.
• Understand the Eucharist as both a sacrament and a sacrifice.
• Recognize the significance of the Paschal Mystery in liturgy and sacraments.
• Celebrate solemnities, feasts, and memorials of Mary and the saints.
We Live
• Understand the dignity of every person as created in God’s image.
• Practice charity and justice, rooted in love for God and neighbor.
• Recognize sin as a deliberate choice against God’s will.
• Learn how grace heals the wounds of sin and strengthens moral decision-making.
• Follow the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes to grow in holiness.
• Explore vocations as ways to live God’s call to love and serve.
We Pray
• Deepen prayer life through daily and guided prayer experiences.
• Recognize Scripture as a source of prayer and reflection.
• Understand liturgical prayer and participate in devotions like the Rosary.
• Pray for God’s guidance and the intercession of Mary and the saints.
• Reflect on the Lord’s Prayer and its petitions.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Understand God’s revelation through the Bible, Tradition, and the teachings of the Church.
• Explore the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding the Church and individual lives.
• Recognize Jesus’ mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God through His life, death, and resurrection.
• Understand the Sacraments as encounters with Jesus that strengthen faith.
• Explore Mary’s role in salvation history, including her Immaculate Conception and Assumption.
• Understand the Communion of Saints and their connection to the Church’s mission.
We Worship
• Participate fully and reverently in the liturgy, sacraments, and devotions.
• Recognize the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.
• Understand the connection between liturgical seasons and the life of Christ.
• Explore sacramental symbols and their role in deepening faith.
• Participate in sacramental celebrations, especially Reconciliation and Eucharist.
• Develop a deeper understanding of the Holy Days of Obligation and their significance.
We Live
• Recognize the importance of moral decision-making based on Scripture and Tradition.
• Explore the role of conscience and grace in forming virtuous habits.
• Practice Works of Mercy and Catholic Social Teaching principles.
• Identify sin as a rejection of God’s love and seek God’s mercy through Reconciliation.
• Follow the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes to live as disciples of Christ.
• Understand vocations as a call to holiness and service.
We Pray
• Cultivate a deeper relationship with God through personal and communal prayer.
• Pray with Scripture, including Lectio Divina and other meditative practices.
• Participate in devotions such as the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
• Recite traditional prayers like the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity.
• Explore the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding prayer and spiritual growth.
• Reflect on the Lord’s Prayer and its call to trust in God’s providence.
We Believe
• Develop practices to build an ongoing relationship with our loving God
• Deepen understanding of the Nicene Creed as a profession of faith.
• Recognize the marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
• Explore the history and structure of the Church, including its mission and teachings.
• Understand the role of the Pope and bishops in guiding the Church.
• Recognize Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and the Savior of
• Understand Mary’s role as Mother of the Church and the saints as models of
We Worship
• Fully participate in the Eucharist as the heart of Catholic worship.
• Understand the Sacrament of Confirmation and its role in strengthening faith.
• Explore the relationship between the sacraments and the Paschal Mystery.
• Celebrate the Church’s liturgical calendar, including Holy Days of Obligation and feast days.
• Participate in communal prayer and sacramental celebrations.
• Develop a deeper appreciation for sacred spaces, symbols, and rituals in the Church.
We Live
• Practice Catholic Social Teaching through service and advocacy for justice.
• Understand the moral teachings of the Church and apply them to contemporary issues.
• Recognize the importance of living as disciples of Christ in daily life.
• Reflect on the theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) as the foundation of Christian living.
• Understand the significance of free will in making moral choices.
• Explore vocations as ways to serve God and others through ordained, religious, or lay life.
We Pray
• Develop a personal prayer routine incorporating Scripture, silence, and reflection.
• Participate in the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical prayers.
• Celebrate Marian devotions and understand the role of intercessory prayer.
• Recite and reflect on prayers like the Memorare, Magnificat, and Angelus.
• Pray for guidance in discerning one’s vocation and life purpose.
• Understand prayer as a response to God’s invitation to a relationship.