“The purpose of the St. Alban Roe School Board is to advise the pastor and the Principal of St. Alban Roe in making the policies for the parish school. The School Board is not an administrative body; it does not deal with the means to achieve the ends specified by the policies.”
(Article II, Section 1, School Board Constitution)
“All meetings of the School Board are to be open meetings (Open Meeting) unless designated as being closed (Closed Meeting). Generally decisions are not made in closed meetings but must be presented and voted on at open meetings before becoming effective. An exception will be made for sensitive issues involving personal privacy. They may be discussed and voted on in closed meetings.” (Article VI, Section 4, School Board Constitution)
“An Open Meeting does not mean that non-members have an opportunity to enter the discussion or deliberate actions of the School Board. Non-members are welcomed as observers. However, the right of non-members to address the School Board shall be limited to those who have submitted a written petition to the President of the School Board at least (14) days in advance of the meeting in order to be approved for the agenda. The President will review the petition and respond to the petitioner within seven days if the petition will be heard by the School Board. The right of the non-members to address the School Board shall be determined by the School Board and shall be limited to a time frame not to exceed five minutes per person, and not to exceed a total of thirty minutes devoted to comments.” (Article V, Section D, School Board By-Laws)
You are welcome to give feedback to any of the members of the school board in person.
To contact us, you can also email us at [email protected]